Cordial Campari banner Leonetto Cappiello 1921 original Italian poster Banner

$ 850

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Cordial Campari banner Leonetto Cappiello 1921 

Rare and Iconic banner poster by Cappiello done for Bitter Campari in Italia. Poster in excellent condition A beautiful colors, no restorations !!  This is a rare rare version on heavier paper. Lettering created by Cappiello in 1921 for use with either the Spiritello image or Saint Bernard image or used by itself.

Artist: Cappiello, Leonetto
Printer: Devambez, Italy
Size:  59″ x 27.75″/ 150cm x 70cm
On/Off Linen: On Linen (2 week delay to linenback)
Print Technique: lithograph
Year: 1921

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Cordial Campari banner Leonetto Cappiello 1921 

Rare and Iconic banner poster by Cappiello done for Bitter Campari in Italia. Poster in excellent condition A beautiful colors, no restorations !!  This is a rare rare version on heavier paper. Lettering created by Cappiello in 1921 for use with either the Spiritello image or Saint Bernard image or used by itself. Campari invested heavily in the very best artists of the time and Cappiello used his printers in both France and Italy for printing services. Rare…

Artist: Cappiello, Leonetto
Printer: Devambez, Italy
Size:  59″ x 27.75″/ 150cm x 70cm
On/Off Linen: On Linen (2 week delay to linenback)
Print Technique: lithograph
Year: 1921

Weight 1 lbs