Razzia Louis Vuitton Cup 1992 hand signed original (Gerard Courbouleix)
Artist: Razzia Printer: Louis Vuitton Size: 30 x 36 inches On/Off Linen: Unlined Print Technique: Serigraph
Louis Vuitton Cup Original hand signed
The poster is hand-signed by the artist and comes directly from him. Unlike some sellers who only claim to offer original hand-signed Razzia posters, ours are guaranteed to be authentic. We can provide a Certificate of Authenticity if you ask for one.
Razzia Louis Vuitton Cup 1995 hand signed original (Gerard Courbouleix)
Artist: Razzia Printer: Louis Vuitton Size: 30 x 36 inches On/Off Linen: Unlined Print Technique: Serigraph
Louis Vuitton Cup Original hand signed
The poster is hand-signed by the artist and comes directly from him. Unlike some sellers who only claim to offer original hand-signed Razzia posters, ours are guaranteed to be authentic. We can provide a Certificate of Authenticity if you ask for one.
Artist: Hopper, Peggy Size: 22.5 x 27 in On/Off Linen: On Linen Print Technique: Offset lithograph Year: 1985 Condition & Comments: Excellent
Peggy Hopper does many images of Hawaii in a Gauginesque style and did this one for United Airlines in 1985… Peggy Hopper trained in California in the 1950’s in Design. She also worked in Milano and later moved to Hawaii. Her work of the local beauty and foliages done with great influence of Paul Gaugains Island paintings.
Artist: Brenet, Albert Size: 16 x 24″ / 40 x 60 cm On/Off Linen: On Linen Print Technique: lithograph Year: 1950
New York par La Transat by Albert Brenet 1950
Rare poster for New York City with travel by boat on the Compagnie General of France. Views of the old Empire State Bldg before the tower and Chrysler building. Important poster which has made much more at auction than the price offered here
New York Worlds Fair by Bob Peak 1964-1965 on linen original
Artist: Peak, Bob Printer: Lithographers NY, USA Size: 16 x 24″ / 40 x 60 cm On / Off Linen: On Linen Print Technique: Offset lithograph Year: 1964 Condition & Comments: Excellent A condition
Poster for the Worlds Fair in 1964 which took place on Long Island. Poster is in excellent condition on linen
New York Worlds Fair by Bob Peak 1964-1965 on linen original
Artist: Peak, Bob Printer: Lithographers NY, USA Size: 16 x 24″ / 40 x 60 cm On / Off Linen: On Linen Print Technique: Offset lithograph Year: 1964 Condition & Comments: Excellent A condition
Poster for the Worlds Fair in 1964 which took place on Long Island. Poster is in excellent condition on linen
Cosulich Line ships to around the world with design by A Dondoli 1939 on linen excellent
Artist: Dondoli, A Printer: Arti Grafiche, Modiano Trieste Size: 27.5 x 39 ” / 70 x 100 cm On/Off Linen: On Linen Print Technique: lithograph Year: 1939 Condition & Comments: Excellent
Original Authentic poster for Cosulich line in 1939. In excellent condition on linen original. For travel to the USA the artist uses the drama of American Indians peering out at the oversized steamship line approaching.