Artist: Chagall, Marc Size: 20 x 30 ” / 51 x 76 cm Printer: Imprimerie Moulot On / Off linen: Unlined Year: 1990 Print Technique: stone lithograph Condition & Comments: Excellent Ville de Nice by Marc Chagall 1970 vintage poster
poster for the posters of Marc Chagall at the Galerie des Ponchettes in Nice
Galerie Maeght by Marc Chagall 1962 vintage poster
Artist: Chagall, Marc Printer: Imprimerie Moulot Size: 21 x 28 in / 53.5 x 71.1 cm On/Off Linen: Unlined Print Technique: Stone Lithograph Condition & Comments: Excellent
poster for the posters of Marc Chagall at the Galerie Maeght in St Paul de Vence in the South of France on the Cote D’Azur. Done in stone lithography and also known as Le Oiseau Vert of The Green Bird.